Saturday 15 June 2019

When life throws shit, turn it into fertilizer

It was Radhika's first month at ABC Company. Hailing from Dhanbad, this job at Mumbai was a path to her career growth, she couldn't afford to loose.

During the morning huddle meeting she got a message from Rakesh her super boss and a vintaged senior employee "Hey Radhika, you are looking gorgeous today. Couldn’t take my eyes of you. Also, let’s discuss your target in the evening."

She felt quite awkward and couldn't believe that she has to face such a situation. Being the only lady in that sales team, she didn't know how to react. Initially she was boiling with anger. So her mother advised her to ignore as it's the best cure for such things in life. But it didn't nip the issue in the bud and she continued to recieve such messages. Rakesh being her super boss, she felt she couldn't afford displease him too.

Now internally, Radhika was going through a turmoil. The pressure of proving yourself in your first job coupled with this situation, started affecting her work. She went into a state of depression. She didn't know how to handle this? 

Finally one day she gathered the courage and wrote to Prevention of Sexual Harassment unit. The experienced hands there took her into confidence to understand the depth of the matter. Post investigation, a resolute action was taken and Rakesh lost his job.

Today, reading her promotion letter, Radhika feels proud about her professional achievements and happy that she took the right step three yeas ago.

According to Kubler Ross (a Swiss Psychiatrist) model of Grief Cycle, we humans experience these states

1. Denial 

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

Radhika also went though these states, except that she didn't accept and choose to fight it out.

In our lives how we handle 'Acceptance', really defines us.

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