Monday 27 May 2019

Decoding 6 second attention span

Let's decode the 6 second attention span from a consumer's decision making lens.

1. THE FIRST SNAPSHOT In Malcolm Gladwell’s brilliant book Blink, he proves conclusively that humans make decisions *on almost no data*—and then stick with those decisions regardless of information that might prove them wrong.

2. Answer lies in our Evolution - The only chance our ancestors had to survive in the jungle was to make accurate split-second assessments. If you needed a week or even a day to decide if another Neanderthal was friend or foe, you were pretty dead. We inherited the ability to make accurate snap judgments.

3. In order to survive the onslaught of choices, consumers make snap judgments (in 6 seconds n data has no role to play)

Hence if you talk the story people believe in (consumer Insight), they will listen to you n take action in that 6 second exposure. 

REMEMBER - Rationality in communication doesn't help. 

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