Saturday 5 October 2019

Tell #stories. Do not #advertise

Ever wondered why we are able to recall and narrate the story of Mahabharat and Ramayana written ages ago but not the actionable from a meeting that happened a week ago?

Just imagine, if you have to teach your toddler the value of being honest and never lie, which option will you choose?

#Argument - One should be honest and always speak the truth (never lie) because it's good value.

#StoryTelling - The story of a sheaperd boy who cried wolf and when actually the wolf came, the villagers didn't come to save him.

Here are 3 reasons why storytelling works

1. Stories are more persuasive than arguments

2. Stories that match the belief n values of an individual gets registered in brain and is used as input for action

3. When we communicate using stories, we harness the three power of stories -

a) Stories makes complex emotions and messages easy to understand

b) Stories are easy to remember

c) Stories are easy to recall and share

Here's an interesting article that shows how it's being used by advertisers

#behaviouraleconomics #decisions #marketing

3 Secrets of Human Mind

Discovery of new frontiers in #Neuroscience has opened up newer dimensions to understand our #mind and it's decision making process.

Here are 3 interesting findings that you can use to achieve success.

1. Conscious thought & emotion (feelings) are a two way street. Happy thought triggers emotion of being happy. Emotion of fear trigger thoughts related to fear. We act basis our emotions.

A communication that triggers a desired thought in the consumer's mind, generates predictable's the secret recepie for any successful advertisement.

2. According to Harvard Psychologist Amy Cuddy,  when we meet someone for the first time, in our subconscious mind we quickly  try to answer these two questions

- Can I trust this person?

- Can I respect this person? (judging competence)

It's linked to evolution and survival instinct ingrained in our subconscious mind. During stone age, man would first try to guage "Can I trust this person" and then seek an answer to "Is he competent enough to hunt/protect the clan?"

Hence it's important to understand that while competence is valued but only after trust is established. Focussing only on competence backfires.

Trust is established through non verbal cues (body language & behaviour) because sub conscious mind doesn't understand logic and language (because our Sub Conscious Mind is a Pre Language Brain)

3. According to Cissi Williams, a Neuro Liguistic Programing expert, 

Breathing (affects) ---> Posture ---> Inner State/Feelings --->  Behaviour

                    and vice versa

Behaviour (affects) ---> Inner State/Feelings ---> Posture ---> Breathing 

So they are all linked.

Since behaviour and inner feelings generate nonverbal cues that convey message of "Trust", we can influce it by two ways

- Generate a genuine conscious thought/visualise in our mind about trusting the other person, it will trigger corresponding emotions and feelings

- By changing our body posture (& putting a genuine smile) we can change our inner feelings and behaviour.

Say you hate a person, but when you come across him, if you consciously adopt a body posture of expressing warmth and a smile on your face, it will automatically change the inner feeling and consecutively the thought in your mind. You will end up conveying warmth.

Going for an important business deal or trying to sell your product, remember the above insights and it will help you achieve success.