#UI/#UX is the science and art of offering an energy efficient experience to our #consumers. Like gadgets, our human brains also runs on energy.
So UI/UX which are #Energy #Efficient (Easy) will be preferred just as we prefer a BEE 5 star device over a BEE 1 star device.
Our #subconscious mind or system 1 or auto pilot is our energy efficient brain (understand feeling/ emotions, beliefs).
Information Processing Capacity - 1,20,000,00 Bits / Sec
Our #conscious mind or pilot or system 2 is an energy guzzler (understands logic/rational).
Information Processing Capacity - Only 40 Bits / Sec
Note: During a day we use 95% SubConscious Mind and only 5% Conscious Mind.
So UI/UX and Communication that gets easily comprehended by our sub conscious mind/auto pilot brain/system 1 (energy efficient one) and have lest involvement of conscious mind/pilot/system 2 is naturally preferred by consumers. Because nature has ingrained in us to be energy efficient.
Let's understand it from this example
5 Super Deals vs 5 ka Dum as headline for communicating about 5 offers.
Which one do you find it easy to comprehend or energy efficient?
Yes you understood the difference.
#BehaviouralEconomics guides us how create UI/UX and Marketing Communication that is energy efficient for your consumers.
Here's a 5 steps framework to create MEE-5🌟 Marketing Communication
Step 1: Identify your Consumer's beliefs/emotional Triggers
Step 2: Apply Motivation (BE Principles/ human sub conscious mind's biases that you can use)
Step 3: Identify words, images, things, concepts that Consumer's sub conscious mind understands and doesnt have to rely on conscious mind
Step 4: Try how much of it can be said visually (sub Conscious mind comprehends visuals easily and for text it requires conscious mind's involvement)
Step 5: Reduce Psychological Pain
Reduce Behavioural (percieved effort) Cost - if one feels the pain of effort i.e. realisation of standing in a queue vs keeping Consumer engaged while in queue so he doesn't realise the pain
Reduce Money Cost - Our brain feels the pain when spending money. Rs. ,999 doesn't give same amount of pain as Rs.1000
By applying these 5 steps, the output you get is MEE 5🌟
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